Every Pookyball has a Rarity at launch: Common, Rare, Epic or Legendary. Scarcer Pookyballs will have greater in-game value as their Attribute levels will give a bigger boost to the scored points. No matter which Pookyball you own, you will still need to be a skilled predictor to rank top on the weekly Leaderboards.
Rarity allocation supply,
- Legendary 1%
- Epic 4.25%
- Rare 18.05%
- Common 76.71%
Every Pookyball has the same Attributes, including Home, Draw, Away, Offense, Defense and Exact Score. Depending on the Rarity each Attribute boost level is different. Attributes boost the number of scored points for correct predictions.
Points scored on a correct Home win prediction are boosted by the “Home” Attribute. For example, a player predicts Bayern Munich to beat Manchester United. If the prediction is correct, the “Home” attribute boost is applied. If Manchester United wins or the match is a draw, the player scores no points and no boost is applied.
Read our Whitepaper for more details.
Each Football Event has its own prediction competition and leaderboard. For each Matchday of the Event a new leaderboard is created. Players rank according to the points scored on all of a Matchday’s fixtures.
As a benchmark, the Premier League has 38 Matchdays (19 matches per team, home and away) of 10 fixtures.
Read our Whitepaper for more details.